Tuesday, September 19, 2017

How to Choose The Right and Best Caterer For Your Traditional Wedding

Hello lovely, hope you are doing well Today. I know you must have a million and one things on your mind right now and you have sooooo many ideas you need to put into motion.

Lets take one step at a time and remember to breathe!!! It is all going to work out well

So Today's topic is vital as you well already know, and the food you provide to your guests will be something they will remember for a very long time.

I remember going to a party many years ago; the venue was a 'shack' if i'm honest, but all i remember is that the music was great and the food phenomenal.

You may be asking yourself if you even a caterer.... of course your aunt Stella is available and sister Brenda's jollof rice is awesome; but really do you want to put undue pressure on them when they too are supposed to be celebrating with you.

A professional caterer is money well spent, you shouldn't have to be worrying about clearing up dirty dishes and whether there is enough food, hiring a professional to do that will take away that unneeded strain.

Before you decide on The Right Caterer for you, you must have first decided on the number of guests you intend on having, who your guests are and likewise the type of venue.

This is because you and couple have to decide on the food you would like for your Traditional Wedding. Though it is 'Traditional', nothing is set in stone that it only has to be a certain type of food. You may choose to add Asian food to your menu. you have to make sure your caterer is capable of this.

In addition, the type of venue you choose may have an effect of your choice of caterer. This is simply because some venues e.g particular hotels may only allow caterers from their preferred vendor list to cater at their venue.

Select a maximum of three professional caterers to choose from, i would advise that you attend an event that these caterers will be supplying the food and service for. Taste the food, monitor the style of service and assess their level of professionalism.

Referrals are  also a good way to choose caterers, but remember the old saying. ''one mans food, is another mans poison''. Recommendations must come backed up solid reviews.

You have to be clear and concise on what the caterer is offering;be clear on all the costing. You have to be sure that the caterer is able to deliver the food (and on time). There is nothing worse than you now having to arrange transport for the caterer..... trust me it happens

Be sure that your caterer will also be clearing up after him or herself, you don't want to be left with any surprises.

Last but not least it it vital that your caterer has the minimal of a Food Hygiene Certificate....Nothing worse than complaints of food badly preserved food or even worse - food poisoning!

We at Tradition-Ally work closely with a number of professional, renowned and capable caterers in the industry and are more than happy to recommend them to you.

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