Friday, September 8, 2017

8 Step guide to a Yoruba Traditional Wedding Ceremony

Hello and welcome to another day on the Tradition-Ally blog. 

Today we are gonna give you a guide to the Yoruba Traditional Wedding Ceremony.

The ceremony itself can be lengthy at times, but playful banter, the theatrics and the fun overrides anything else. 

so here we go.....

 1: Welcome 
The brides family are normally ushered in with singing and dancing; while the grooms family are detained 'outside' of the venue. They are then approached by the senior coordinator 'Alaga' for them to disclose the reason for them being there. The arrival of the grooms family signals the start of the ceremony, they are required to be on time (no 'african' time here) and can be sent back or fined for being late. Once inside, they are introduced by their 'Alaga' and proceed to kneel and greet the brides family.
 2: The Proposal and Acceptance 

This at times can be a very elaborate proposal 'letter' is presented by the grooms family and read out loud by the youngest member of the brides family. After which an acceptance letter is given by the brides family.
 3: Meet the Groom

The groom typically makes his entrance by dancing in with his friends. At this junction the senior 'Alaga' may ask the groom and his friends to perform a number of duties to express 'their' love for the bride. The groom then proceeds to prostrate two times with his friends and once alone to his new in-laws. During the third prostration, both families stretch out their arms and pray for the groom. He then prostrates once with his friends for his family before proceeding to his seat.
 4: Meet the Bride 

The beautiful veiled bride makes her appearance escorted by her friends who dance her in. She kneels in front of her parents for their prayers and blessings, then does the same with her future husbands parents after which she is unveiled and joins her future husband. Though not compulsory, some brides put the grooms hat (fila) on his head, this demonstrates her acceptance of the proposal.
 5: Bling Please 

On instruction from the Alaga Ijoko the bride picks the gift she wants from the usually dazzling selection brought by her in-laws (a list with the required items would have been given prior to the engagement). She is expected to pick the Bible or Qu'ran to which her engagement ring is attached. The ring is prayed on by 'ministers' then her husband puts the ring on her finger, she is then asked to shows off her ring to all the guests.
 6: Bride Price
Various envelopes containing everything from the bride price to money for the wives, children and elders in the her family are handed over to the brides family. It is very common practice for them to the envelope containing the bride price, the belief is that both families have become one and are giving their daughter away versus 'selling' her.
7: Cut the Cake

The engagement cake is then cut by the bride and groom, this is always an opportunity for family members and guests to take pictures.
8: Party Party Party

Final prayers are said and the occasion is ended with lots of love, eating, music and dancing!

In an ideal world, this how the ceremony runs..... but can be reconstructed depending on personal circumstances. (you know we always run late.......)

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