Saturday, September 23, 2017

Traditional Wedding Dessert

So you've chosen the menu and the caterer to deliver the goods....  so what about the dessert?

Most couples tend to overlook this aspect (maybe due to budget) but your desserts do not have to expensive. if you decide on serving dessert to your lovely guests why not go for more Traditional Options.

Here are a few Nigerian Ideas:

1. Kankaran Tsamiya (Frozen Tamarind Juice)

Kankaran Tsamiya is frozen extract from the tsamiya (tamarind) fruit. This is a Northern Nigerian licky-licky enjoyment!

Tamarind has a sweet and sour taste. It is in the same family as Velvet Tamarind which is more popular.

2. Nigerian Shuku Shuku (Coconut Balls)

Nigerian Shuku Shuku is a great Nigerian delicacy that doubles as a dessert and a snack. 
If you have ever tasted coconut and bread (chewed together), that's what Shuku Shuku tastes like. It is the perfect way to recycle the chaff. You can also use coconut flakes for this but the Shuku Shuku made with those are lighter.

3. Nigerian Coconut Candy

There are many snacks/desserts referred to as coconut candy but the sweet chewy Coconut Candy discussed below is the one made in Nigeria. Though there is a lot of work that goes into grating the fresh coconut meat into tiny pieces, the snack itself is very simple to make, With icing sugar added, its delicious. 

4. Nigerian Puff Puff

Nigerian Puff Puff is that spongy, deep-fried, spherical snack that originated from Nigeria. It is soft and springs back to touch, you know, like when you pinch a foam sponge. Why not serve it with melted chocolate or icing sugar...something like a pavita roll ๐Ÿ˜„

5. Nigerian Pancake

Everyone loves pancakes and most Nigerians think of pancake as just a snack. But have you ever thought of another way to enjoy pancake? Serving Nigerian pancakes at your Traditional Wedding would be ideal. It is made with those ingredients that we always have in our kitchen. it is a blend of eggs, flour and butter.

Dare to be different..... Introduce something Traditional to your menu! ๐Ÿ˜„

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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

How to make your Traditional Wedding Guest List

Hello again this Wining Wednesday, hope you are still sailing through this week with great motivation.... You're half way there! Keep going!

So its time to create the guest list; this may be a boring job compared to choosing a caterer or deciding on your outfit it it still as important.

So how do you choose who makes the cut? There are certain things you need to go back over:

1. What are your reasons for having a Traditional Wedding in the first place
2. What is you're BUDGET
3. What is the capacity of the chosen venue

There is no point inviting 'the world and it's mother' when the venue can only occupy 100 people. We often make that mistake of feeling obliged to invite everyone  - this should NOT be the case.

You are free to write down a 'dream list', this will have everyone you would ideally like to be there.

Now It's time to get back to reality and start trimming that dream list down until you reach your real number. The easiest way to cut the list is to come up with rules and actually stick to them. It'll be easier in the long run and you'll avoid potential drama down the line. What do we mean by "rules"? Here are a few common ones (for those who want to be very strict about their wedding guest list)
Rule 1: If neither of you has spoken to or met them or heard their name before, don't invite them. 
Rule 2: Not crazy about inviting children to your party? Don't feel bad about having an adults-only Traditional wedding.
Rule 3: If neither of you has spoken to them in three years and they're not related to you somehow, don't invite them. 
Rule 4: If there's anyone who's on the list because you feel guilty about leaving them off (maybe because you were invited to their  Traditional Wedding or they're friends with lots of people who are invited), don't invite them.
Traditional Wedding (especially in the African Culture) can be extremely family orientated and you may feel obliged to invite all family members; but again this can be decided by taking into the account the 3 points i mentioned above.
There is no point inviting guests that you are not able to comfortably cater for!
There are other invitees that may be a bit more difficult to decide  on inviting or not. For example, you recently started a new job and your boss has been so accommodating with regards to your plans, allowing you to leave early to view venues, etc. Should you invite your boss? hmmmm that is totally up to you. It all depends on the relationship that you have built with your boss and in addition will he or she even want to attend?

You also have the option of giving both families an even number of guests to invite and stick to.
You must also consider your friends who are in a relationship or engaged.

I know this may seem a lot to consider when considering who to invite, but trust me it is worth doing.

It's Your Day, Have it a Special Way (with Special People)

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

How to Choose The Right and Best Caterer For Your Traditional Wedding

Hello lovely, hope you are doing well Today. I know you must have a million and one things on your mind right now and you have sooooo many ideas you need to put into motion.

Lets take one step at a time and remember to breathe!!! It is all going to work out well

So Today's topic is vital as you well already know, and the food you provide to your guests will be something they will remember for a very long time.

I remember going to a party many years ago; the venue was a 'shack' if i'm honest, but all i remember is that the music was great and the food phenomenal.

You may be asking yourself if you even a caterer.... of course your aunt Stella is available and sister Brenda's jollof rice is awesome; but really do you want to put undue pressure on them when they too are supposed to be celebrating with you.

A professional caterer is money well spent, you shouldn't have to be worrying about clearing up dirty dishes and whether there is enough food, hiring a professional to do that will take away that unneeded strain.

Before you decide on The Right Caterer for you, you must have first decided on the number of guests you intend on having, who your guests are and likewise the type of venue.

This is because you and couple have to decide on the food you would like for your Traditional Wedding. Though it is 'Traditional', nothing is set in stone that it only has to be a certain type of food. You may choose to add Asian food to your menu. you have to make sure your caterer is capable of this.

In addition, the type of venue you choose may have an effect of your choice of caterer. This is simply because some venues e.g particular hotels may only allow caterers from their preferred vendor list to cater at their venue.

Select a maximum of three professional caterers to choose from, i would advise that you attend an event that these caterers will be supplying the food and service for. Taste the food, monitor the style of service and assess their level of professionalism.

Referrals are  also a good way to choose caterers, but remember the old saying. ''one mans food, is another mans poison''. Recommendations must come backed up solid reviews.

You have to be clear and concise on what the caterer is offering;be clear on all the costing. You have to be sure that the caterer is able to deliver the food (and on time). There is nothing worse than you now having to arrange transport for the caterer..... trust me it happens

Be sure that your caterer will also be clearing up after him or herself, you don't want to be left with any surprises.

Last but not least it it vital that your caterer has the minimal of a Food Hygiene Certificate....Nothing worse than complaints of food badly preserved food or even worse - food poisoning!

We at Tradition-Ally work closely with a number of professional, renowned and capable caterers in the industry and are more than happy to recommend them to you.

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Monday, September 18, 2017

My Mother and Mother in Law are taking over my Traditional Wedding Plans

Hello my dear reader; i really appreciate you clicking on the link and reading our blog. You Rock!๐Ÿ˜Š

I know Today's topic is quite controversial; but it is a very popular issue among brides to be, so lets discuss!

You have been dreaming about this day since you were 12 years old and have mapped out every detail right down to the font that will be used to write the invitations ๐Ÿ˜„.

So now this day is so close to be becoming a reality and and everything seems set then suddenly...... Mummy comes home one day and ruffles your feathers with her own ideas and suggestions. Just as you are trying to digest her contributions.... The mother in law sends a Whatsapp reads '' please call me asap; its about the Traditional Wedding, i have loads of ideas that we must implement''

I can imagine you right now....eyes rolling, teeth clenching and you are about to give an almighty scream!!!!

Just breathe, count to ten and read on.....

Here a few tips on how to handle the situation

First thing you need to remember is that is special day is just as important to you and your husband as it is to the whole family (yes that includes the mothers)

Remember that you are not marrying you Mother in law and your Mother is 'losing' you to another family. It would be ideal to think about that for a minute

Exercise some patience; i know this can be hard and their 'input may be frustrating you right now but just give it all a little more time

Effective communication is also very vital. Arrange a afternoon out with your 'mothers' and calming go through all ideas. Communicate calmly the reasons why you want things done a certain way and also be prepared to listen to their ideas too.

Get them involved in parts of the planning; like tasting the cake, meeting with vendors, seating plans (o.k maybe not seating plans lol).

I know the who thing can be overwhelming at times but trust me with a little patience and always having at the back of your mind the main reason for the Traditional Wedding - ALL WILL BE WELL!

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Friday, September 15, 2017

The Urhobo Traditional Wedding Ceremony

Fact Friday! 

We can not do the same thing and expect different results! - Food for thought

Today's topic is about the Urhobo Traditional Wedding Ceremony 

But first........ yes you know a bit of history ๐Ÿ™‚ 

The Urhobo is the major ethnic group in Delta State. Delta State is one of the 36 states of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Urhobos speak the Urhobo language. The Urhobo culture is related to several cultures in the Niger-Delta,the major group of the Urhobo lives in the Delta State.
The Urhobos live very close to and sometimes on the surface of the Niger river. Thus most of their histories, mythologies, and philosophies are water-related. 

Annual fishing festivals that includes masquerades, fishing, swimming contests, and dancing, are part of the Urhobo heritage. There is an annual, two-day, Ohworu festival in Evwreni, the southern part of the Urhobo area when the Ohworhu water spirit and the Eravwe Oganga are displayed. 

The king in an Urhobo clan or kingdom is called the Ovie. His wife of the queen is called Ovieya and his children แปŒmแป Ovie (child of the king also known as prince and princes). 

The Urhobo Traditional Wedding Ceremony 

Urhobo traditional marriage is unique to Urhobo culture and traditions. Indeed, marriage in Urhobo worldview is an enduring institution. It is sacred. It looms large enough to tie two independent families together forever. 
Urhobo traditional marriage takes various forms. From time, there have been some distinct processes of marriage proposals or types of traditional marriages. Any of these marriage forms are recognised by our society, as they form key aspects of our customs and traditions. 


         This occurs when parents propose marriage on behalf of their son or daughter at an early age. Pledges of this nature are also made and redeemed, as a result of observed exemplary character of a young girl or boy. It could be made as a reward for exceptional valour. The uses or instances of this concept are infinite. Normally, with this type of marriage, love develops between the couple only after marriage has been officially contracted .

The marriage ceremony follows the meeting of both families. Traditional both families would meet at the bride’s home. An advance notice is given to the bride`s family for this visit. 
The groom’s family will arrive at the bride’s home. Firstly the bride’s family will welcome them with drinks, kolanuts supported with some money will be offered to the visiting family, as is customary in Urhobo tradition. 
A spokesman for the bride’s family will make the presentation of the drinks and kolanuts with the money to the visiting family. The visitor’s spokesman will accept the presentation on behalf of the groom’s family. After this initial customary entertainment, the visitors are asked the purpose of their visit.

The visitors would inform the bride’s family that they have come to marry their daughter for their son, who may or may not be present at this protocol.

If the bride’s family accepts this explanation, they would go through a process of the identification of the bride they wish to marry. The visitors would be told that the family has many daughters; as such, its members do not know which of their daughters their son would like to marry. At this junction, the bride’s family would then bring out a girl who is not the bride, and parade this girl in front of the groom’s family. The groom would reject this girl saying that she was not the one he wants. This formality would be repeated about three times. Each time a girl is paraded and rejected, the groom’s family would be asked to pay the rejected girl some money. 
Finally, the bride is presented to the groom to confirm the true identity of his chosen bride. 

Once this process is concluded, the bride’s consent would then be obtained. She will be asked if she is willing to marry the groom.  The family of the bride can only receive the dowry if she consents to marry the groom. This process is only a formality on the day because in most cases, the dowry amount and all arrangements would normally have been agreed prior.  The groom or his family would pay a dowry to the bride’s family. The dowry is the price money paid to the bride’s family on account of the bride.

The Urhobo Traditional Wedding is very interesting and engrossing culture. 
I just love the Traditional Wedding Attire!

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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Traditional Wedding - Edo Traditional Wedding Ceremony Guide

Hey guys hope you are doing well this 'Thought-Provoking' Thursday, lets remember to keep thinking about our Dreams, Goals, Aspirations and Visions.

Let's remember to Work Hard and Keep going, Never give up!

So Today is for the Edo peeps put there.... and as usual , a little bit of history ๐Ÿ˜„

EDO, is what you can describe as the "generic name given to a group of people who have a common ancestor and have a common language, with some different variants, depending on the distance between the group and the " tap root, " resident in and around the present day Benin City. In short, the land, the political state, the people, tribe, language and the principal city -Benin City is called EDO. At a point in the history of these people, another name called BENIN came into use. 

The Edo or Bini (from the word "Benin") people are an ethnic group primarily found in Edo State, and spread across the Delta, Ondo, and Rivers states of Nigeria. They speak the Edo language and are the descendants of the founders of the Benin Empire. They are closely related to other ethnic groups that speak Edoid languages, such as the Esan, the Afemail and the Owan.

The Edo Traditional Wedding 

At the beginning of the ceremony, all guests are seated, the bride’s family will present kolanuts and drinks to the groom’s family. Each family sit opposite one another (the bride’s family sits opposite the groom’s family).
After kolanuts are broken and eaten, the groom’s family spokesman will stand up and reveal the purpose of their visit, this is the formal marriage proposal, on behalf of their son. At the next stage, the groom’s family spokesperson will present drinks and kolanut gifts to the bride’s family.

Secondly, the bride will be called in by her father, he would ask her if she knows the visitors  (her fiance and his family?).  After that, he would reveal to her the purpose of the visit by the groom and his family members (which is to ask for her hand in marriage). Finally, her father would inquire her response to the marriage proposal; he will put that question to the bride in the customary manner, by asking her whether they (brides family) should accept the drinks and kolanuts (gifted by the groom’s family), this is to symbolize her acceptance to marry the groom.
If her answer is YES, her family will accept the drinks and kolanut gifts; and if NO, the items would be rejected – and there would be no wedding. So, after the bride’s family accepts the drinks and kolanuts, the bride’s family will present the bride-price list to the groom. Thereafter, food and drinks will be presented by the bride’s family to everyone present.
This can either be a very lavish affair with hundreds of guests or an intimate ceremony with just immediate family and friends.

Lovely African Tribe. It seems to be a lot to do with family within the African Tribes... very interesting!

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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Traditional Wedding - Tiv Benue Wedding Ceremony

Its Wining Wednesday guys, i know its mid week, but don't give up... Remember you can make it!

Today's topic is a guide on the Tiv Benue Traditional Wedding Ceremony.

Lets dive right in.... You know there's a bit of history first ๐Ÿ˜„

The Tiv people live on both sides of the Benue River in Nigeria; they speak a language of the Benue-Congo branch of the Niger-Congo family.The Tiv are farmers whose main crops are millet, yam, and sorghum, all of which are eaten as porridge or are made more delectable by their addition into sauces and stews. The Tiv Tribe constitutes approximately 7% of Nigeria's total population, and number about 3.5 million individuals throughout Nigeria and Camaroon. The Tiv are the 4th largest ethnic group in Nigeria. The Tiv language is spoken by about 2.2 million people in Nigeria (as of 1991), with a few speakers in Cameroon.

Tiv Benue Traditional Wedding Ceremony Guide 
Initially, The groom arrives with few of his family members to see the bride’s family for an official introduction of both families.  They are required to attend with a few items such as salt, palm oil, a bottle of wine,spirits (e.g. gin) and optionally bush meat if requested by the brides family.
At the introduction, both families discuss and agree on a date for the traditional wedding. The grooms family is then given a list of further items which they are to come back with on the traditional wedding day. 
An example list is:
For The Father:
  • Pig
  • Local Gin
  • Additional Alcoholic Drinks (which is expected in form of money)
  • Danchiki (an attire for the brides father)
  • Azenga (cowries)
  • Matches
For The Mother:
  • Bush meat
  • Palm oil
  • Salt
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Umbrella
  • Mudu (measuring Bowl)
  • Mat (Tabruma)
  • Chair
  • Soft Drinks
  • Basin
  • Necklace
  • Clothes
  • Broom
  • Table

After the formal Introduction is The Traditional Wedding Day. On this day male and female members of the brides family are separated in two different rooms. The groom, accompanied by his family members are asked to go into the room with the men from the brides family to discuss the dowry (brides price) payment

At this junction, presentation of the List Items and Bride Price are put forward In the same room that the dowry payment is discussed, the items bought from the list are presented to the bride's father after the dowry payment has been made. After which the bride is asked to come out to show her 'fathers' (all the elderly men in the her family) the man who she wishes to marry by giving him a drink.

The bride will then proceed with the groom to the second room where the female members of her family are gathered. In this room the bride shows her mother the man she has chose and they are both given marriage advice by her mother and other present in the room.
At times the groom is expected to give money to the youth of the brides community after the ceremony. 

If the groom happens to be of the Tiv Tribe, his family will expect the arrival of the bride with Tiv traditional music and 'Swonge' dancers (Tiv traditional dancers), this process is called the ‘Kwase kuhwan”.

Another interesting and beautiful African Traditional Wedding. 

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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Traditional Weddings - The Hawusa Traditional Wedding Ceremony Guide

We are here again today my people, lets talk about another rich Nigerian Tribe which is the Hausa Tribe that is the largest tribe in Nigeria. 

The tribe makes up 29% of Nigerians that live mainy in the Northern part of Nigeria.

They mostly occupy the towns and villages of the Northern parts including Kano, Kaduna, Biram, Jos, Lafia, Maiduguri, Damaturu, Dutse, Gombe, Suleja, Gusau, Jalingo, Jebba, Lafia, Katsina, Abuja, Kano, Sokoto, Bauchi, Birnin, Kebbi, Makurdi, Yola, Zaria etc. 

The Hausa language originated and forms part of the Chadic family of languages which is similar but distantly associated to Hebrew and Arabic

I'm sure you're loving my history lessons.... ๐Ÿ˜„

The Hausa Traditional Wedding Ceremony:

Hausa Traditional marriages are primarily based on Islamic rites, the nikkhai must precede all wedding ceremony. The culturally rich events tend to last about a week, starting with an wedding fatiha and ending with the main wedding reception

A marriage proposal is the first step to a Traditional Hausa Wedding. It is tendered to the bride’s family and they have accepted. Once they have accepted, according to cultural rights, the groom’s family needs to provide a number of items to the bride, this is called “Kayan Zance”. The items typically include:

  • Household items e.g. cookware, furniture..
  • Fabrics
  • Scarves
  • Perfumes
  • Beauty products
  • Underwear
  • Shoes
  • Cash (Kudin Gaisuwa)

Based on how affluent the groom's family is, they may be asked to provide a house for the couple while the bride’s family has full responsibility of furnishing the house, especially her room, living room and the kitchen. All these are done before prior the actual Wedding Ceremony 

DAURIN AURE: This is the religious ceremony. It is usually hosted and attended by the men in both families. Wedding vows are exchanged but done differently. In the Hausa culture a representative from the groom and bride’s family usually does exchange of vows in the presence of a religious leader and many invited guests. Prayers are offered to the newly wedded couple and celebration continues. This is the most significant event of the entire wedding ceremony.

KAMUN AMARIYA: This is one of the oldest events in the Hausa wedding ceremony. “Kamu” means ''catch the bride''. The groom’s family and friends go and negotiate with the bride’s friends for her release to them. They are demonstrating that have come for their bride and they are wiling to pay any price to have her. This is a really fun event and negotiation may take up to 30 minutes followed by a fun and lavish reception.

WUNI/SA LALLE: The event is strictly for the ladies. This is when the bride gets to spend the last day as a single lady with her friends and female members of her family, in her father’s house. A mixture of henna is made and used to make beautifully designs on the bride’s hands, palms and legs. Her friends and family may also get henna designs on their hands but not as elaborate as the bride. Henna is used to make bring out the beauty of the bride.

KAI AMARIYA: This part is when family and friends chaperon the bride to her matrimonial home to be welcomed, received and  accommodated by her inlaws. After which prayers and advice from her family is given. This is not the end of events in the Hausa Traditional Marriage; there is usually a reception to end the entire wedding ceremony. This includes, food, music and entertainment. After the storm, in some parts of Hausa land, “Sayan baki” takes place In some parts of hausa land the “sayan baki” takes place. This is a negotiation between the groom’s men and the bridesmaids, debating on the amount to be paid before the bride speaks to her groom

This Hausa Culture is so fascinating, it appears to be very family orientated. 

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Monday, September 11, 2017

Traditonal Igbo Wedding Guide

Helo my lovelies.... It Monday and i beleive that we are all bright eyed and ready to face the week ahead.

Don't forget to set yourself at least one goal this week. Keep moving..You can do it!

So back to Today's topic. The Igbo Traditional Wedding; The Igbo Tribe is known to be one of the major tribes in Nigeria. Historically, they were from the Nri Kingdom which happens to be the oldest Kingdom in Nigeria. The Igbo land occupies most of the Southern Eastern Nigeria, and some of the major cities include: Enugu, Onisha,Owerri, Asaba, Akwa, Abakiliki, Abia, Orlu etc.

So enough of the History Lesson ๐Ÿ˜„

The Igbo Traditional Wedding is made up of different ceremonies.

  1. The first one is called the 'Iku Aka' or 'Knocking on the door' where the groom and members of his family (uncles and brothers) come to tell the family of the bride of his intention to marry their daughter. The mother and father of the bride each get a keg of palmwine (ngwo) and one or more for the father's Umunna this could be brothers or cousins. When they arrive, the groom and few family members join the father of the bride in private and discuss the 'ima ego' or dowry. 

Once this is done and accepted, the bride dances out for the first time. Accompanied by her friends  in her native attire of 2 separate pieces of George wrapper (one for her waist and the other for her bust) she goes to greet her mother's people and goes back inside. Her second outfit is white blouse and George or damask or brocade which she uses to greet her father's people and she goes back inside. The third outing is usually in material similar to the grooms, this time, she is handed a cup of wine and told to find her husband and give it to him to drink. When she finds him, she kneels to give him the horn and waits for him to finish. Sometimes, the groom might lift his bride up and give the rest of the wine. This usually indicates he understands she is his help mate and is accompanied by much cheering. The couple then kneel before the parents for prayers and blessings. 

2. The second ceremony, referred to as the 'Igba Nkwu Nwanyi/izu okwu' (wine carrying ceremony) is the actual wedding. The groom is supposed to assist his in-laws-to-be with the planning of this ceremony so he can provide Assorted drinks, a cow, bags of rice and ingredients for cooking.

3.He may also be required to perform a third ceremony called 'Ndi Ochie' which is recognition of all the married women in the family. He does this by giving them a bag of salt and a crate of mineral. If the groom is from outside the village, he must give to the girls mother a list of items which are:
  • 1 carton of bar soap
  • 2 crates of malt
  • 2 bags of salt
  • Cooked rice with big pieces of meat
  • Orji (kola-nut) and 'oku ose' (kola-nut paste). 

 Alternatively, the groom can just give cash for everything and his in-laws will make them available. (less stress) ๐Ÿ˜„

Information overload right...... just breathe this is a guideline and often aspects can be amended. Though the entire process could differ from family to family and village to village. 
This guide is based on the Umunze people of Orumba South LGA in Anambra state. 

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Friday, September 8, 2017

8 Step guide to a Yoruba Traditional Wedding Ceremony

Hello and welcome to another day on the Tradition-Ally blog. 

Today we are gonna give you a guide to the Yoruba Traditional Wedding Ceremony.

The ceremony itself can be lengthy at times, but playful banter, the theatrics and the fun overrides anything else. 

so here we go.....

 1: Welcome 
The brides family are normally ushered in with singing and dancing; while the grooms family are detained 'outside' of the venue. They are then approached by the senior coordinator 'Alaga' for them to disclose the reason for them being there. The arrival of the grooms family signals the start of the ceremony, they are required to be on time (no 'african' time here) and can be sent back or fined for being late. Once inside, they are introduced by their 'Alaga' and proceed to kneel and greet the brides family.
 2: The Proposal and Acceptance 

This at times can be a very elaborate proposal 'letter' is presented by the grooms family and read out loud by the youngest member of the brides family. After which an acceptance letter is given by the brides family.
 3: Meet the Groom

The groom typically makes his entrance by dancing in with his friends. At this junction the senior 'Alaga' may ask the groom and his friends to perform a number of duties to express 'their' love for the bride. The groom then proceeds to prostrate two times with his friends and once alone to his new in-laws. During the third prostration, both families stretch out their arms and pray for the groom. He then prostrates once with his friends for his family before proceeding to his seat.
 4: Meet the Bride 

The beautiful veiled bride makes her appearance escorted by her friends who dance her in. She kneels in front of her parents for their prayers and blessings, then does the same with her future husbands parents after which she is unveiled and joins her future husband. Though not compulsory, some brides put the grooms hat (fila) on his head, this demonstrates her acceptance of the proposal.
 5: Bling Please 

On instruction from the Alaga Ijoko the bride picks the gift she wants from the usually dazzling selection brought by her in-laws (a list with the required items would have been given prior to the engagement). She is expected to pick the Bible or Qu'ran to which her engagement ring is attached. The ring is prayed on by 'ministers' then her husband puts the ring on her finger, she is then asked to shows off her ring to all the guests.
 6: Bride Price
Various envelopes containing everything from the bride price to money for the wives, children and elders in the her family are handed over to the brides family. It is very common practice for them to the envelope containing the bride price, the belief is that both families have become one and are giving their daughter away versus 'selling' her.
7: Cut the Cake

The engagement cake is then cut by the bride and groom, this is always an opportunity for family members and guests to take pictures.
8: Party Party Party

Final prayers are said and the occasion is ended with lots of love, eating, music and dancing!

In an ideal world, this how the ceremony runs..... but can be reconstructed depending on personal circumstances. (you know we always run late.......)

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Thursday, September 7, 2017

Traditional Weddings - When should i start to plan

Hello there,

I hope we are doing fine and dandy this beautiful day.

The topic of the day hmmmm. Planning a Traditional Wedding can be more stressful than the 'civil ceremony';at time, this can be due to the added extras that come with this ceremony.

The family antics, the Traditional items that need to be involved etc etc.

So when should you start planning? The earlier the better babe! If you are like me, i started planning my Trad even before i got the ring (not ashamed ooo) lol. I have always known the colours, the venue styling, the parents colours. Yes i know everyone is not like me but i would advise that you start drawing up your ideas at least 12 months prior

One year seems a long time but trust me time fly's; before you conclude on the date, before you go round to various venues and negotiate on the price, before you decide on the colours, change your mind and decide again,,, 365 days don pass....

Here are a few steps to guide you:

  • I would always advise to get an 'ALLY' that personal person who will be the back bone, the adviser, the critic, the support that you need all the step of the way. (We are here ooo ) don't blame me for advertising ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š sometimes you need a neutral person who can sit on the fence and be that silent listener when mum is getting on your nerves and you just want to rant!!!!
  • 12 months (after all the yipee ya ya of the proposal) - Decide on the Date
  • 12 months - BUDGET!!!!!!
  • 11 months  - 'normally' you should start to look at venues 9-12 months in advance, but bear in mind that most good venues maybe already booked. You should be flexible about your preferred day as Monday - Thursday may be cheaper than Friday - Sunday. Don't be afraid to choose a Tuesday 'Trad' as your loved ones will probably drop everything to witness your special day
  • 10 months - Baby girl is time to choose your outfit (yahhhhhh) any excuse to go shopping. If you are deciding on Aso Oke, it is worth you starting this early especially if you are into all the 'bling bling - stoning' that is going viral these days. From experience i recently used a fully beaded and stoned aso oke (iro and buba) it took 6 months (with extreme pressure) so start early. If you are also doing 'aso ebi ........(another topic for another day)
  • 8 months - It's time to start arranging the guest list and invitations. Your vendors should now be booked; The catering, the cake, the dj etc
  • 6 months - If you feel that you need to loose a few pounds before the big day, this would be an idea time to start a fitness regime, or evening if its just to boost your energy or improve your skins appearance; now would be a excellent time to change your eating habits, drinks lots more water etc etc
  • 3 months - Have a catch up with all your vendors, visit the venue again to ensure the seating plan and other little niggly bits
  • 2 months - 1 month - This would be an ideal time to have a 'makeup'  bridal trial with your chosen makeup artist, book a time that you are most relaxed. Feel free to show her (or him) any ideas you have for that special day.
The most important thing to remember is to enjoy you engagement. Make time to enjoy each other, go out for dinner, watch a movie, and Pray!. Start as you mean to go on, a family that Prays together - Stay together!

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IG: tradition_ally