Thursday, August 31, 2017

Traditional Wedding - When

Howdy my Mrs to be .... lets dive right in today and discuss the matter above!

How many of you have really thought about WHEN your Traditional Wedding will be held? I'm not talking about the day dreaming we've all done during a work meeting or stuck in traffic hmmm you know yourself!!! I'm referring to the real deep thinking of When you should hold that special day.

So you've said YES, got the ring (get a special manicure so the ring looks extra pretty)  and now the planning has begun. Though you have always dreamed of a fairy tale summer Traditional Wedding, at a huge stately home with beautiful greenery.... lets look at these 3 major points.

  1. Could you think of having an "out of season".. wedding, why you ask... (venues are often cheaper, international guest may be able to reduce their travelling costs). Beautiful pictures can still be taken indoors if the weather doesn't play ball.
  2. How about holding your Trad during the week rather than a Saturday, (once again, venues are often cheaper during the week; this could also aid in crowd control in addition to cutting cost)
  3. Do you have to have your Traditional Wedding in the evening??? what rule book says so; You could consider having it as a brunch... i personally love to be different.
Personal Experience:

My husband and I recently celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary (All glory to God). We often tend to pull a crowd when we have functions so decided to have the celebration on a Friday ( thank God it was the exact date of our wedding). The benefits of this were:

  • Cost Cutting
  • Crowd Control
  • Minimal rowdiness
  • Everyone had a seat (no complaining.... "i came all this way, nowhere to sit")
  • Displayed elegance, as there was minimal movement up and down as the crowd was of average size
I could go on but I'm sure you get my drift....   I think I've given you enough food for thought ... for today at least. 

Don't forget to Follow, Like, Comment and Share 

Till next time....

Yemzy x

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Traditional Wedding - The B Word!

Sooooo lets discuss the B word, yes BUDGET!!!

So he popped the said YES (screamed, cried, laughed and checked out the ring just to make sure it was the one you kept "accidentally" sending to his What'sApp)! lol

Now lets get down to real deal. Who is paying for this Traditional Wedding and where is the money gonna come from????

Hmmm, this subject is often avoided like 'okra combined with rice' but the truth be  told it is one of the most important things you need to discuss and clarify before moving onto the next step of the planning.

Tradition-Ally the brides family drop the majority of the funds but these days couples often fund their own marriage ceremonies with the help of parents friends and family. (based on individual circumstances)

Setting a budget must certainly come first guys... you need to know how much things cost now oooo; especially with the whole "its dollar, its dollar" phrase going around. Even the lovely mama selling pepper is complaining about "dollar"

You need to do your research on what venues are charging, catering,  Video man, Photographer, Venue styling, DJ or Live Band, lets not even start with how much makeup artists are demanding hmmm. Sounds overwhelming ??? (You could leave that to us to handle)... i have to advertise now init!!

But seriously your budget is KEY! it has to be a realistic budget too, not based on invisible income or promises from family and friends; who may have every intention to support but anything can happen which could lead to them not being able to fulfill their promise . Trust me guys I'm talking from experience... (that's a story for another day)

Do Not, I repeat Do Not leave yourself short , as unexpected expenses will always arise.... Set your budget with a miscellaneous fund for unforeseen things.

Sit down as a couple look at the money you have both saved (assuming you have savings), discuss with parents what they are willing to contribute (if they are...that's another story) and look at where you can also cut cost.

I know every girl dreams of the best most beautiful fairy tale for her wedding but remember there is a life after that day!!!

Though you should look at ways to cut cost... look at the things that are really not needed or too excessive! i don't mean cut back on the food so that you can book the most expensive hotel .... you get me right?

Lets discuss ... What 3 things do you think are the most important aspect of the Traditional Wedding DAY... Comment below....

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

TRADITIONAL WEDDINGS - Whats it all about?

If you are anything like me... you feel sooooo much excitement when you hear the words "i'm getting married" or "i'm engaged" whoop whoop... bring on the jollof rice!!

So many young people love the idea of getting married and especially the Traditional Wedding (which normally comes first). I personally love all the theatrics that come with the day; Though a very significant and meaningful affair it is also a special day full of  jolly and playful performances. 

Ok.... lets take a step back and look at the fundamental reasons or should i say the purpose of the Traditional Wedding (Engagement).

So you said yes... you got the ring (finally) lol, now its the Traditional Wedding!... but whats its all about i hear you ask.

Baby girl you need to be clear i mean crystal... as per the reason why your Traditional Wedding is being held. Its not just another excuse for a parry oooo

The Traditional Wedding stems from wayyyyyyy back when even back to BC. Lets look at the word

TRADITION: the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way. 

Your Traditional Wedding is mainly about your family and your fiances family  (sounds nice right?) coming together for a formal introduction. Your fiances family will make their intentions known to your family. This is often performed by a family spokesperson (ALAGA). Gifts are often brought by the grooms family from a (at times) lengthy list provided by the brides family. Each gift as its own significance. For example fruits, meaning the couple will be fruitful... 9 months later... no pressure though lol

Traditionally the Traditional Wedding is held at the brides family house, but customs have been adapted according to individual preference.

So you see The Traditional Wedding is quite important, especially to the families... But it does not only have to be about Mum and Dad. You too need to get involved and get to know the Whats and Whys; this will aid in you understanding the day and enjoying it better...

What aspect of the Traditional Wedding do your hate the most and why... comment below ladies.... im waiting to hear from you!!!